Monday, April 21, 2014

Ombre painted picnic basket

Awhile ago I found a picnic basket discarded  for council collection on the side of the road. I grabbed it as I love all things shabby chic and could see this had great potential . This Easter weekend I actually used the picnic basket as we had a lovely Easter Picnic in the park.
But I couldn't help but think the basket was in need of a make over. I had seen some lovely ombre paint make over posts on pintrest and decided that's what i would do.

I gathered my materials

  1. Three cans of paint ( as this is what i had chosen to use)
  2. A brush to give the basket a good clean
  3. A small paint brush to get into the little spots
I had too use a little bit of glue to fix some of the cane that had come loose on the handle. I then gave the whole basket  a good brushing over with a small hard brush.
 For this project I chose two shades of pink and a white. As Ombre  was the look I was going for I started with the darker colour first.
Using only my sight line  I divided the basket into virtual thirds ( as I was using three colours) If you were using more colours such as 4 you would divide it into fourths etc
 My colours were a dark pink a lighter pink and white.The dark pink is a custom colour I had mixed at a paint store i think i found the colour in a magazine.
I then moved to the the lighter colour called  BARE PINK
However once I had done the two colours I loved it the way it was and decided to leave it at the two shades of pink and the natural of the cane.


I am thrilled with the results, I then moved on to the lining, which I did by taking apart the green and blue checked lining that was already in the basket and used that as a template to cut new pieces out.
I found this gorgeous shabby chic style fabric that I found at Spotlight.

The finished result!!
I am so happy with the result and I cannot wait to take it to the next picnic with my beautiful vintage napkins and flat wear.

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Manic Monday

 Lately I have been feeling very manic. I gave up my permanent job to chase my dream of being a full time classroom teacher in January 2014. I started applying for jobs in December 2013 and as December rolled into January 2014 I was sure I would be offered a position doing my dream job full time! January came and went with out so much as an email or sniff of an offer.
In desperation I started calling principals at local schools two days before school started and got offered a one term contract for one day a week as a science specialist ( i am early childhood trained ) OK, well at least i am in a school right????!! so excited, wait I have got to teach all three classes so i see 70 kids in one day? ahhh no problem, and I have to go to each of their classrooms and have no desk or space to call my own ALRIGHT WELCOME TO TEACHING !!!

I've had a good run at doing relief (sub) work but the last two weeks of school that dropped down to one and to days a week eeekkkkkk so as a consequence I'M BORED!!!..
It's now the school holidays and Easter..........................................
and if your anything like me, the eating of the chocolate holds allure for about 24 hours and then along with the sugar high the bordem hits......
I was discussing (complaining) about this to a male friend of mine, BIG MISTAKE men cannot listen, they have to fix it! i explained how i feel manic because i have a bunch of projects on the go at once, currently i am sewing, learning to paint, making dolls, embroidery AND watching Game of Thrones.
Now this good friend of mine said i should make a list and check the "doable" things off that list each day.
Well his exact words went something like this, " when your having your morning coffee... blah blah blah because the instant  he said that magic word COFFEE........mmmmmmmmm coffee( the only reason i go to bed at night is to dream about that first cup in the morning), i was lost in thoughts about coffee !
But seriously my mate suggested make a list while your having your coffee look at your list, if any of it seems achievable or do able by the end of the day and you can envision yourself completing that task then do it.
OK step 1 find the paper to write on, seriously !! I am a teacher I have paper, oooohhh which paper, the personalised stationary, the pretty stuff, the functional stuff? FOCUS DAMN YOU !

Got time for a coffee he said? Nup I am working on my list..